Flinders Deepwater 2D Reprocessing

Advancing Exploration in the Great Australian Bight with Enhanced Seismic Data

The Flinders Deepwater 2D Reprocessing Project covers approximately 15,900 km, offering a transformation in data quality and illuminating new untapped exploration possibilities in the offshore Ceduna Sub-basin, in the Great Australian Bight, off the south Australian coast. Ensuring optimal imaging beneath the basin, which is notable for its dispersion and attenuation, the project implemented enhanced filtering to accurately map deeper events, preserving the primary Turonian target at its core.

The processing workflow utilised additional filtering for peak efficiency, using the raw migrated stacks from the original processing, maintaining the integrity of phase throughout the process. Incorporating an innovative workflow comprising time-variant DB scaling, bandpass filtering, FXY de-convolution and trace balance nested AGC, the reprocessing project treated the unbalanced amplitudes in the initial data, enabling a more vivid visualisation and interpretation of the underground geological structures. The Flinders Deepwater 2D Reprocessing not only delivers top-tier reprocessed seismic data but also facilitates more knowledgeable exploration decisions, boosting potential for identifying and evaluating hydrocarbon prospects in the Ceduna Sub-Basin.

Project Size

15,979 km

Project Partners


Acquisition Parameters

Input Survey: Flinders Deep Water 2D
Acquisition Year: 2000/2001
Vessel: Geco Angler
Streamer: Nessie 4
Source Volume: 3,397 cu.in / 3,542 cu.in
Source Depth: 5m
Streamer Length: 6,000m
Number of Streamers: 1
Streamer Seperation: 25m
Record Length: 9 sec
Sample Rate: 2ms


Processing: Fugro
Processing Completed: 2006
Processing Flow: FXY Deconvolution, Trace Modulation

Navigation Data P190,
Final Migration SEGY,
Processing Report PDF