Resource Project Name Year Client PDF URL Affordably making the invisible unmissableNeil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Helen Debenham and Lauren Found demonstrate how reprocessing vintage data can bring new prospectivity to basins in Oman and East Coast India. First Break, Issue 41, December 2023——A big beast makes a big point<div class="w-post-elm post_custom_field us_custom_b2452879 post-authors type_text"><span class="w-post-elm-before">By </span><span class="w-post-elm-value">Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez and Lauren Found, Searcher</span></div> <div>Geo ExPro Issue 5 2023</div>— the source rock code in Nova Scotia’s deep waterNatasha MacAdam, Karyna Rodriguez, Neil Hodgson, Catie Donahue, Graham Spence show how a modern WAZ 3D survey in the salt basin, combined with reservoir, trap and DHI studies, demonstrate significant, ready-to-drill prospects on the Nova Scotian slope. First Break, Volume 41, September 2023——Cryptic Seismic Clues: Hunting for another Source Rock in the South Atlantic<div class="w-post-elm post_custom_field us_custom_b2452879 post-authors type_text"><span class="w-post-elm-before">By </span><span class="w-post-elm-value">Neil Hodgson, Lauren Found and Karyna Rodriguez, Searcher</span></div> <div>Geo ExPro Issue 4, 2o23</div>— and slow catastrophes trapping slope and basin floor plays<div class="w-post-elm post_custom_field us_custom_b2452879 post-authors type_text"><span class="w-post-elm-before">By </span><span class="w-post-elm-value">Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez and Lauren Found, Searcher</span></div> <div>Geo ExPro Issue 3, 2023</div>—— and source rock delivered by the Tangier WAZ3D in the current Nova Scotia Licence Round<div class="w-post-elm post_custom_field us_custom_b2452879 post-authors type_text"><span class="w-post-elm-before">By </span><span class="w-post-elm-value">Karyna Rodriguez and Neil Hodgson, Searcher</span></div> <div>Geo ExPro Issue 2, 2023</div>—— new exploration potential onshore Colombia<div class="w-post-elm post_custom_field us_custom_b2452879 post-authors type_text"><span class="w-post-elm-before">By </span><span class="w-post-elm-value">Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez and Andres Mesa, Searcher Geodata UK LTD & Rob Yorke, AGT</span></div> <div>Geo ExPro Issue 1, 2023</div>—— a seat at the low-carbon energy table on India’s Eastern MarginNeil Hodgson, Peter Hoiles and Karyna Rodriguez, Searcher GeoExPro Issue 6 2022— rise of Venus in Uruguay’s Pelotas Basin<div class="w-post-elm post_custom_field us_custom_b2452879 post-authors type_text"><span class="w-post-elm-before">By </span><span class="w-post-elm-value">Karyna Rodriguez, Neil Hodgson (Searcher), Pablo Rodriguez, Bruno Conti & Hector de Santa Ana (ANCAP)</span></div> <div>GEOExPro November 2022</div>——’s Red Sea oil<div class="w-post-elm post_custom_field us_custom_b2452879 post-authors type_text"><span class="w-post-elm-before">By </span><span class="w-post-elm-value">Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez and Peter Hoiles, Searcher Geodata UK Ltd</span></div> <div>GeoExPro October 2022</div>— NEW ARCADIA: SEISMIC ACCELERATION OF THE NOVA SCOTIAN MARGINNeil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Peter Hoiles, Julia Davies and George Kovacic GEOExPro June 2022— IMAGING-LED SEDIMENTOLOGY INSIGHT REVEALS EXTRAORDINARY NEW POTENTIAL IN THE GULF OF PAPUAAlaister Shakerley, Tim Rady; Larus Energy Ltd and Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez; Searcher Seismic GEOExPro April 2022—3769 OMAN: STUNNING HYDROCARBON GEOLOGY FROM A CLOSING OCEANNeil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriquez: Searcher; Julia Davies, Peter Hoiles: Discover Geoscience; Dr. Saleh A Al Anboori: MEM GEOExPro March 2022—3716 Agua Caliente (‘Hot Water’) to Aceite Caliente! (‘Hot Oil!’)Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriquez, Julia Davies, Lauren Found and Dennys Uyen. Published in GEO ExPro Vol 18. Issue No. 6 Dec 2021—— Africa Poised for Exploration Greatness<div class="byline"><address class="byline author vcard"><span class="fn">Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Search Seismic; and Julia Davies, Discover Geoscience</span></address><address> </address></div> <div class="excerpt">Pending the result of two deepwater wells, due to be drilled in late 2021, the Orange Basin offshore South Africa is set to become the world's next hydrocarbon exploration hotspot.</div> <div></div> <div class="other-media">This article appeared in <a href="">Vol. 18, No. 5</a> - 2021</div>—— your spot and make it hot. How ideas turn into hotspotsNeil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez and Julia Davies (Discover Geoscience) set out an era of hotspots born from new ideas, data availability and discovery. Published in First Break Volume 39 May 2021—— does it mean when Bottom Simulators are Black SwansAuthor: Karyna Rodriguez, Neil Hodgson, Julia Davies (Discover Geoscience) <span class="time"> GEO ExPro - June 2021 </span> <span dir="ltr">Determining the geothermal gradient in an undrilled region has direct implications for basin </span><span dir="ltr">modelling and remains one the largest areas of uncertainty in frontier basin exploration </span><span dir="ltr">today. Bottom Simulating Reflectors (BSRs) occur at the base of a shallow gas hydrate layer in </span><span dir="ltr">many of the worlds deep water basins and by calculating the geothermal gradient from the </span><span dir="ltr">sea floor to base hydrate, quantitative and qualitative inference of the deeper heat flow can </span><span dir="ltr">assist basin modellers in their work. However, BSRs do not always simulate the seabed and </span><span dir="ltr">such deviant behaviour can lead them to be interpreted as ‘anything but’ the base of the gas </span><span dir="ltr">hydrate. Yet such black swans suggest BSRs may be even more useful in mapping variations </span><span dir="ltr">in heat flow and geotherm than we had previously recognised.</span>—3492 the Hybrid CurtainAuthor: Karyna Rodriguez, Neil Hodgson <span class="time"> GEO ExPro – May 2021 </span> <span dir="ltr">Due to scale, sample bias and a lack of necessity, ‘hybrid’ turbiditic–contouritic sedimentary systems are only just beginning to be recognized as a significant new breed of exploration targets. Both, what can be seen on seismic (contourite influence bedforms) and what is inferred from contourite activity (winnowed turbidites yielding high net-to-gross sands in reservoir targets), is proving to be an essential tool in identifying these exciting hydrocarbon trapping systems.</span>—3495 Cone or Mud Volcano?Hodgson, N., Rodriguez, K., 2020, GeoExPro, v. 17, no. 4, p. 34-37—3050—Tertiary Prospectivity in the Malvinas BasinDavies, K., Hoiles, P., Rodriguez, K., Hodgson, N., 2020, GeoExPro, v. 17, no. 4, p. 61-62—3048—Implementation of seismic data quality characterisation using supervised deep learningThorp, J., <span class="editors">Davies, K., Bluteau, J., and Hoiles</span>, P., 2020, Published for APPEA 2020, Perth, Australia.—3507—The Paleozoic Prospectivity of the Browse Basin, AustraliaAmiribesheli, S., and Thorp, J., & Davies, J., 2020, Published for APPEA 2020, Perth, Australia.—3506—Offshore Mexico: Extraordinary Play Systems IdentifiedRodriguez, K. and Hodgson, N., 2020, GeoExPro, vol. 17, no. 2, p. 45-46—2486 Perth’s Searcher Seismic built its data-as-a-service platformSamira Sarraf, April, 9 2020—— Paleozoic Prospectivity of the Offshore Canning Area, AustraliaAmiribesheli, S. and Weller, A., 2019, Presented at AEGC2019 Data to Discovery, Perth, Australia—1579—Dude, where’s my AVO? A case study from the Browse Basin, North West Shelf, AustraliaAmiribesheli, S., McGlew, J., and Thorp, J., 2019, Presented at AEGC2019 Data to Discovery, Perth, Australia—1578—Thoughts from the EAGE 2019: Clouds and Machines DominateThorp, J., June, 14 2019—— lies beneath: Unraveling the potential of the East Palawan Basin, PhilippinesDavies, K. and Weller, A., 2019, GeoExPro, vol. 16 no. 2, p. 50-54—1576 Prospectivity of the Offshore Canning Area in Western Australia<div>Amiribesheli, S. and Weller, A., 2018, GeoExPro, vol. 15, no. 6, p. 42-45</div>—1588 the Elephant: Dorado-1 and the Prospectivity of the Offshore Canning AreaWeller, A. and Amiribesheli, S., 2018, PESANews, no. 151, p. 57-61—1590—A Tempting Tango in the Malvinas Basin, Argentina!Weller, A., October, 28 2018—— the Elephant: Dorado-1 and the Prospectivity of the Offshore Canning AreaWeller, A., July, 31 2018—— New Guinea’s Northern Basins: A Fresh Look at the Bougainville BasinsAmiribesheli, S. and Weller, A., 2018, Presented at: PESGB SEAPEX Asia Pacific E&P Conference, London, England—1598—Hammerfest Basin’s Unexplored PotentialHenriksen, E., Amiribesheli, S., and Fitzpatrick, K., 2018, GeoExPro, vol. 15, no. 3, p. 36-37—1592 Malvinas Basin: Revisiting ProspectivityJablonski, D., 2018, GeoExPro, v. 15, no. 2, p. 32—1596 Potential of the Gulf of PapuaAmiribesheli, S., Jablonski, D., and Weller, A., 2018, GeoExPro, vol. 15, no. 2, p. 28-32—3007 geological challenges with improved technology: A case study offshore Papua New GuineaThorp, J., August, 2 2016—— CONTACT INFO Suite 1, Level 4, South Shore Centre, 85 South Perth Esplanade, South Perth, Western Australia 6151, Australia ✉ : ☎ : (08) 9327 0300 FollowFollow NAVIGATION Data Library Intelligence Products About Us Why Searcher? 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