Pangea 2D Reprocessing
High Resolution Seismic Data for Geological Insights in the Eastern Canning Basin
The Pangea 2D Reprocessing, spanning approximately 4,880 km over the Eastern Canning Basin, offers unrivalled detail and data quality. By digging deeper and casting wider than ever before, it sheds new light on the tectonic evolution of the basin. This innovative process brings to the fore overlooked opportunities in both mineral and petroleum systems across the region.
Utilising cutting-edge processing algorithms, precise navigation, and rigorous static controls, the resolution of the Pangea dataset is leaps and bounds ahead of previous offerings. Coupled with additional regional and detailed geophysical and geological information, this allows for a comprehensive analysis of the complex structural and stratigraphic framework of the province. This data is destined to be a game-changer for exploration in the energy and mining sectors, cementing the value of seismic data in the quest for mineral deposits and sparking a new dawn in regional project generation.
Project Parameters
Project Size
4,880 km
Project Partners
Pangea Resources