Snøspurv Non-Exclusive 2D Seismic Survey

Enhancing Exploration in the Barents Sea

Spanning over 6,250 kilometers, the Snøspurv 2D Seismic Survey provides high-resolution 2D data offering a generous boost in data quality, revealing thrilling new exploration possibilities across the Bjarmeland and Finnmark Platforms, with ties to 24 exploratory wells, among them Norvarg, Gouvca, Wisting, Atlantis, and Apollo, enhancing signal clarity crucial for imaging the depth and structure of these areas, which are identified for their hydrocarbon potential.

Designed to enhance the seismic resolution of the prospective Permian, Triassic, and Jurassic sections of the Bjarmeland and Finnmark Platforms, the Snøspurv Seismic Survey is a key resource for exploration companies aiming to unlock the full potential of these regions. This progress is momentous in creating high-resolution velocity models to intensify imaging of the deep structure, offering a more precise assessment of hydrocarbon potential and aiding confident exploration decision-making.

Project Size

6,286 km

Project Partners


Acquisition Parameters

Acquisition Year: 2013
Vessel: M/V Harrier Explorer
Streamer: Ion DigiStreamer
Source Volume: 1,300
Source Depth: 4m
Streamer Length: 6,000m
Number of Streamers: 1
Streamer Seperation: n/a
Shot Interval: 12.5m
Record Length: 4.5 sec
Sample Rate: 1ms


Processing: Geotrace
Processing Flow: SRME, Kirchoff PTSM

Final Full Angle PSTM Volume (AGC) SEGY,
True Amplitude Angle Stacks (Near, Mid, Far, Full) SEGY,
Final NMO Corrected PSTM Gathers SEGY,
Final Stacking Velocity ASCII,
Final Migration Velocity ASCII,
Navigation Data P190,
Acquisition Report PDF,
Processing Report PDF