Davaria Non-Exclusive Geochemical Study

Unveiling the Petroleum Potential of the Gulf of Papua

In conjunction with its seismic program, Searcher conducted the Davaria Non-Exclusive Geochemical Survey to de-risk the geophysical data and investigate the substantial petroleum potential across the outboard Gulf of Papua.

To identify optimal locations for coring and geochemical sampling, satellite seep data, multi-beam bathymetry and sub-bottom profiling data were acquired and analysed. Additionally, heat flow data was collected to understand present-day heat flow and constrain basin models.

Project Partners

Gardline Marine


Satellite seep data,
PNG Geochemical Survey Multi Beam Bathymetry,
Backscatter Data,
Water Column Imaging and sub-bottom profiling over identified areas of interest,
Total of ~27,000km2 of MBES for entire survey,
PNG Geochemical Survey Drop Cores Analysis,
Heat Flow Measurements,
Full Geochemical Summary,
Data Integration,
Analysis and Interpretive Report for entire survey,
Acquisition Report